Words by Cory Sligar   Copyright 2020  All rights reserved.

As our hearts are filled with Love, 

and our Minds are filled with Fear, 

it is time to empty our Minds 

and Let our Hearts take over. 

Let your Heart fill up until it touches and fills your Mind 

with an emotion of unconditional acceptance to 

what is happening right here and right now.

Look up in the sky, examine the clouds, 

look at the flowers. Yes it is true, we are 

all having to be at home, at least most of us. 

Tune into and watch a nature video 

and revel in all the Earth has to offer. 

We are evolving right now. People are showing 

unconditional acts of kindness. 

Dolphins are appearing in Venice, 

smog is passing in China, 

birds are returning in places that are unheard of. 

There are no more school shootings and ISIS 

has pulled out of Europe according to news reports.

What is going on? It seems as if people in 

power are no longer respected. 

They are in self quarantine. 

Massive fortunes are being lost. 

Hollywood is shutting down productions 

of film and television shows. 

Are we really going to miss all the poison 

that is on TV? 

When production does resume, if and when, 

will there be changes? 

Will people still be interested in Violence, Horror, 

Crime and Sex which is what floods our brains when 

watching our Big Screen Televised windows to the world?

Will the evolved souls of this new age really want to sit in 

crowded movie theatres and be bombarded with poisonous imagery? 

Will we still want to watch concerts with recording artists 

that have Demonic tattoos all over their bodies and face?

Will sports stars continue to make unheard amounts of money 

for contracts that they may or not fulfill? 

For all the poor and struggling people that live 

from paycheck to paycheck, 

to hear of someone attaining a 200 million dollar deal, 

the Universe knows it is not right. 

It is time for the good souls to emerge, invent, help and

assist mankind and to make fortunes that they will 

share with the world. 

Healing Climate change, helping the sick and the poor. 

Is it too late, or is there a shift in fortunes 

that is about to come? 

Are major powers of wealth 

going to topple, and others arise? 

Will Karma prevail?

Observe all the good people that are on the front 

lines helping people battle the Coronavirus 

risking their lives minute by minute. 

Doctors, Nurses, Military, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters. 

Pharmacists, Grocers, Gas Station Attendants, etc. 

When you lay in bed at night, are you at peace, 

or are you in terror? Was your business serving 

people fairly, or were you over charging everyone? 

If you get your business back, will you make changes?


Will you pay your employees more, charge your 

customers less and find that the Universe might 

reward you with doing the right thing?

Do you invest in Wall Street?  Do you put money 

into companies that help the planet or destroy it? 

Do you really know, and do you care? Does God care? 

Are the lights coming on over the planet and finally 

exposing all that there is to change and enlightening 

all that there is to be reinforced? 

Family, unconditional Love, morals, values, so many 

things that are emerging on all the continents. 

Yet we observe the Media Companies like CNN, NBC, 

etc. slamming us with negative and fearful images 

of the virus which keeps humanity gripped in fear. 

Does God care? Have you noticed how some reporters 

are now tripping up on just a few words, and immediately 

they are losing their jobs permanently. Somebody cares. 

People, good people, DO CARE. This is the majority of HUMANITY. 

We will prevail. The sickness will pass. Fortunes will shift 

from the corrupt to the empathetic.

Individuals will give their fortunes away to heal the planet 

and help the poor. Jeff Bezos, give more! 

Bill Gates, God bless him for all that he does and donates. 

To all the other good Billionaires and Millionaires

who are helping, the Universe salutes you. 

To all the people who have nothing, 

and yet help others, the Universe will sustain you!